Esars Itec 2018


The very first Conference took place in 2001 (Capri, Italy) as “International Symposium on Railway Traction Systems (RTS)”. The success of this conference, due to significant academic and industrial attention and participation, has encouraged the expansion of the conference, looking at different topics in the field of transportation.

In 2005, the RTS became SPRTS – “International Conference on Ship Propulsion and Railway Traction Systems” (Bologna, Italy). The topics were extended to include marine applications. The next edition was held in 2007 (Tokyo, Japan), with great interest shown from academia and industry. 


In 2010 the Conference topics were expanded to include aircraft applications, and the Conference title was changed to “Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway and Ship Propulsion (ESARS)” (Bologna, Italy). The Conference has attracted large number of papers and, from 2010 onwards, it was sponsored by IEEE. In 2012, the ESARS conference took place in Bologna, Italy, followed by ESARS’2015 in Aachen, Germany. This was followed by the conference moving to Toulouse in 2016, seeing the inclusion of “Road Vehicles” topics. The conference was  combined with International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC) sponored by IEEE. The number of papers presented in 2016 was 130 and the Conference included several industrial workshops and industrial tours.

In Nottingham in 2018, our Conference bacomes the European Edition of IEEE “International Transportation Electrification Conference” with a new, full name of “IEEE ESARS-ITEC Europe’ 2018”. We hope for further increase of participants number, as well us for greatest interest from experts and researchers in the field of transportation electrification.

You are cordially invited to join us in Nottingham!



Manuscript submission is now CLOSED.

Book your accommodation (see advice at Venue -> Accommodation page).

Please contact Secretariat for visa letters.

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November 7th-9th, 2018
United Kingdom

Final manuscript submission is CLOSED and the preliminary Conference Program is published.

It is time to book your accommodation!

To book your room in modern on-site Orchard Hotel at a discounted rate please call them on +44 (0)115 876 0900, choose “option 1” and quote “ESARS Conference” to secure the conference rate (£85+VAT).

More details on accommodation in Nottingham is available at the Experience Nottinghamshire website.

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